Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Easy Exercises to do in Your Dorm Room

Exercises complied by Health Education Department of UC San Diego Student Health Service.

If you are short on time, set up a range of circuit training exercises in your dorm/home.
Be sure to warm-up for 3-5 minutes by fast pace walking, or jogging in place before you attempt these exercises.
Depending on your fitness level, you can rest 15 seconds between exercises, or not rest at all. After you are done, make sure to cool down and stretch.

Lateral and Front Raise:
• Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and grasp water bottles
with an overhand grip
• Next, fully extend right arm while raising it forward until
arm is parallel with ground. While doing this, fully extend
left arm and raise sideways until parallel with the ground
• Slowly return to starting position
• Switch and raise left arm forward and right arm sideways
• Do this for 30 seconds

High Knee March:
• Bring your knee towards your chest as high as possible
and simultaneously swing the opposite arm
• Do the same thing with the opposite leg and arm
• Keep a fast pace for 30 seconds

Jumping Jacks:
• Stand with feet together and arms at sides
• Jump with feet apart while simultaneously
bringing arms over your head making sure
your hands cross each other
• Return with feet together and arms at sides
• Do this for 30 seconds

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