Monday, August 10, 2009

Slow Your Eating Pace!

Healthy Eating
Slow your pace; it’s not a race!

In our fast-paced society we tend to rush through everything, including our meals and snacks.

Eating too quickly can have several health consequences such as weight gain, heartburn or indigestion. When we rush, we often forget to savor the foods or appreciate their rich flavors and sensations.

How can you eat more slowly?

  • Put your fork down between bites

  • Take breaks to talk with your dining companions

  • Remind yourself to chew sufficiently before swallowing and relax

  • Take smaller bites; there is no need to “shovel it in”

  • Eat mindfully – pay attention to flavors, textures and sensations as you enjoy your meal

  • Allow adequate time to enjoy your meals

Information provided by HDH Registered Dietitian Becky McDivitt. Feel free to contact Becky with nutrition questions at or visit her page at the HDH website.

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