Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yoga Poses You Can Do In Your Room!

Taking the time to relax and breath before is a great way to lower stress levels.

Try these 3 easy yoga poses as a 10 minute study break that you can do in your room (or even better, OUTSIDE!)

Uttanasana- Forward Bend (Regulates Blood Pressure)

Stand with legs hip width apart about 8-10 inches away from the wall. Lean back to the wall. Bring arms over head, take a breath in. As you exhale bend forward and let your arms hang down. Keep hips on wall, relax arms, shoulder and neck. Stay for 3-5 breaths and roll back up the wall with an exhalation.

Balasana-- Child's Pose (Stretches the Spine)

Come to floor on hands and knees and relax toes. Sit back on heels and keep arms extended on the floor. Open knees a little wider than your feet and relax forehead to ground. Either keep your arms extended or relax arms to your sides, hands by your feet.
Stay for 3-5 breaths.

Viparita Karani – Inverted Lake Pose (Relieves stress-related headaches)

Sit down close to the wall, with one hip touching the wall. Move legs up the wall while simultaneously lying down on your back. Move hips as close to the wall as comfortable and relax arms to your sides. Stay for 3-5 breaths.

Want to see more Yoga poses?
Check out LiveWell UC San Diego's Flickr page:
Or, join a yoga class through recreation.

Yoga is for all body types and ability levels.

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