Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Right now, you might be too excited about starting college to even consider getting homesick at some point next year.

The fact is, this will probably be your first time living away from home, away from the support of family and friends, and away from the foods and environments you are used to. Getting homesick is normal; even expected. Homesickness provides an opportunity to learn, grow, and mature into an adult.

Here are some ways to minimize your homesickness:

Get involved on campus. There is so much to do on campus! Join a club or an organization, see events at The Loft or Price Center, join a campus community center, or volunteer. All of these things will introduce you to new friends who can become your new support network if you ever feel alone.

Talk to CAPS. Getting your feelings out by talking is a great way to cope and sort through all the emotions you might be feeling. CAPS is free and confidential. There are psychologists in each of the college's dean offices, as well as at the CAPS central office in Galbraith Hall (Revelle).

Get out of your room. It's easy to hide in your bedroom. Get out!!!! Hang out with your suitemates; invite them to dinner if you don't like to eat alone. Ask them to introduce you to some of the new friends they've made. Living with other people in a suite is a great foundation for a strong support network.

Call home. Talking to your parents every now and then is a good way to still feel connected to what may be going on at home. Don't use this as a crutch, however. You still need to make friendships here at school.

Stay at school. Going home at every opportunity won't allow you to make connections on campus and feel as if you really belong. Try and spend your weekends at school doing something fun with suitemates or friends. Pretty soon you won't need to go home as often.

Don't bury your feelings. Partying and drinking are not healthy ways of dealing with your emotions. Instead of going to a party, get your suitemates together and have a spontaneous night out in La Jolla- dinner, movie, whatever comes to mind! There are lots of things to do in San Diego that are healthy (and won't get you in trouble).

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