Thursday, June 4, 2009

Eating Vegan in the Dining Halls

It may seem like an impossible task--sticking to a vegan diet while living on campus--but HDH Registered Dietitian Becky McDivitt is here to dispell all those rumors and help students find vegan meal options.

At Full-Service Restaurants:
• Bean and rice burritos
• Portobello mushroom “burgers”
• Oatmeal with fruit
• Pasta with marinara sauce
• Baked potatoes
• Sliced veggies (in the refrigerated cases)
• Fresh fruits
• Hummus with vegetables or pita
• Peanut butter sandwiches
• Kidney beans, black beans, peas, lentils from the salad bar
• Vegetable and rice stir‐fry
• Fresh greens, vegetables, 3‐bean salads from salad bars and sandwich stations
• Tofu at the salad bar or from daily specials
• Check the daily vegetarian specials at each dining facility– some are vegan [menus are available online at

At Market Cafés (Earl’s Place, Plaza On the Side, Foodworx):
• Raw vegan ice cream
• Morningstar® frozen meals
• Organic soy delicious meals
• Kashi® and other cereals
• Tofurkey
• Vegan cheese alternatives
• Assorted breads
• Popcorn and assorted snacks
• Newman’s Own® products
• Amy’s® meals
• Canned beans
• Nature’s Path products
• Tomato and marinara sauces

For a full list of meal options for vegans, check out

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