Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sleep? What's that for?

The stereotypical portrayal of the life of a college student is a person who pulls all-nighters, cramming for quizzes and midterms, living off coffee and energy drinks.

Yes, this happens, but no, it's not effective.

Researchers have found that sleeping is actually necessary for memory and fact retention.  The better plan for studying is to go to sleep at your normal bed-time.  Not finished studying? Perhaps wake up a little bit earlier than normal to finish.

(Situations like these can be avoided with good planning.  Make use of your free planners that you will get on move-in day to keep track of midterms and big assignments).

Keep in mind that 7-8 hours of sleep a night is recommended.

Napping is also more effective than energy drinks.  A short (15-20 minutes) nap is long enough to re-charge your brain for a long study session, but not long enough to disturb your normal sleep pattern.  For more information on the benefits of napping, check out UC San Diego School of Medicine professor Dr. Sara Mednick's book, "Take a Nap! Change Your Life."

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