Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wellness Positions @ UC San Diego

Want to get more involved in wellness related resources on campus?

UC San Diego offers many different opportunities for students who want to help promote wellness on campus.

Counseling And Psychological Services:

Peer Educators: We believe that student peer education is a strong and important avenue to provide information on topics important and applicable to UCSD students: mental health wellness and women's issues. Peer education provides unique experiences for students to receive training in teaching, presentation, and basic counseling skills. In addition, these students then provide valuable resources and information to the UCSD community through workshop/outreach presentations, group forums, and individual meetings with students.

Wellness Peer Educators: The goal of the Wellness Peer Education program is to educate fellow students about mental health and wellness, reduce stigma and spread awareness of Counseling and Psychological Services on campus.

Women's Peer Educators: The CAPS Women’s Peer Educator Program seeks to promote gender equality by providing education and support to members of the UCSD community. We work within a feminist framework to plan and implement programs that raise awareness around issues that disproportionately affect women in our society.

Student Health Services:

Student Health Advocates Peer health educators that promote activities that contribute to a healthy campus and enhance the personal health of students.

Wellness Center:

Wellness Intern: We work to promote events hosted by a LiveWell UC San Diego program, as well as events that our wellness partners put on.

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